- What: Half-day virtual gathering of IPv6 measurement researchers.
- Why: Coordinate with the larger measurement community on: 1) where we stand with respect to IPv6 network measurement; 2) what measurement data is missing that would facilitate other network research initiatives; and 3) what IPv6 measurement research would best serve current needs and knowledge gaps.
- When: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 09:00-12:00 PDT (doodle).
- Where: The Ether (Zoom meeting info sent to registered participants)
- Who: Organized by Rob Beverly and
kc claffy
- Agenda here. Organized around participant interests and topics.
- Participants are encouraged to prepare a short (10-15min) presentation.
Rather than re-hashing previously published work, we encourage
presentations that: 1) summarize the current state-of-the-art
and highlight open research problems; 2) reassess previous findings
and challenge assumptions; 3) present provocative research ideas /
directions and/or early stage research / results.
All presentations
should center on IPv6.
- The meeting will be held virtually (Zoom meeting info sent to registered participants)
- A mattermost discussion room will be setup to facilitate async discussion both during and post meeting.